1.The jailbird cast about him for a way of escape.
15.Dr Carson is no Herman Cain. Before the 2012 election Republican activists looked at a string of odd-bods and firebrands, casting about for someone, anyone, who thrilled them more than their eventual nominee, Mitt Romney.
Carson医生不是Herman。2012年的选举之前,共和党活动者们聚焦了一串临时工和煽动者,寻找一些人,任何人,能让他们比推出最终提名者Mitt Romney更兴奋。
18.When Clay lost the nomination to Harrison, the Whigs cast about among several possibilities for a running mate; they finally settled, without much enthusiasm, on John Tyler as a geographical, factional, and political counterweight to Harrison.
当克莱的提名输给哈里森后, 辉格党在几个可能的竞选搭档中进行了反复考虑;他们最终在没有太多热情的情况下, 将约翰·泰勒作为哈里森的地理、派系和政治平衡。机翻